Vibrate Tester app

Shift Vibrator

As a feature, it implements a negative shift function.I think it is an application for the purpose of practice of rhythm sensation , and can be used f...

Vibration Chrono

This chronometer notify you at user defined times. After each elapsed time you choose, it will vibrate using the selected pattern or play a notificati...

振動計 - Vibration meter

Vibration Meter在Smart Tools集合中的第四個套件中。(地動儀,地震儀,全身震顫) 振動計使用手機的傳感器來測量手機的震動或地震,它可以像地震檢波器般作參考之用。 測量值是修改後的麥加利的強度規模(MMI),僅供參考。如不準確,您可以校準它令最大值大約是10-11。 * Pr...