Get ready for the party!Check out who is going to your Facebook events and meet interesting people before going out.Download MeetApp now and have fun!...
Get ready for the party!Check out who is going to your Facebook events and meet interesting people before going out.Download MeetApp now and have fun!...
Meet shows you the way! You want to make an appointment with up to 9 friends of yours? You want to store your car‘s position for finding back to it la...
차원이 다른 스마트폰 영어학습!국내최초 모바일 러닝을 실현시킨 지산에듀 의 첫번째 선물!세계최초 특허! 모바일 스피킹 첨삭 시스템! 자신의 녹음을 스마트폰에서 바로 녹음해서 강사에게 전송하면 강사는 바로 교정해주고, 이를 바로 스마트폰에서 확인할 수 있습니다. - 토익...
O GGTI Meeting é um ciclo de palestras anual que promove o encontro da comunidade executiva de TIC de Pernambuco. A oitava edição do GGTI Meeting será...
Be in the know! With this app you will be able to view property, plots and business listings in Kenya all in a mobile friendly version; Email the sell...
Looking for better event management? You've just found it at: http://MeetingApplication.comOur platform consists of dedicated conference applicati...
The EventPilot conference app gives you instant offline access to your meeting or event program. Depending on the event, app features include:• Person...
NPC conference app used for multiple conferences. For 2014 it will include the NPC National Conference, NPC Masters Conference and NPH Retirement Plan...
你可以不要再做会议记录!Meeting REC按照会议记录的内容,那次的会议是不是好。如果有书记就没问题,但不在他的话一边进行会议,一边做会议记录。这两件事情一起做就很难。Meeting REC是给他们(每个参加会议者)Time Tagging功能,帮他们容易察看,谁说活、什么时候说话和说什么话。这...
Did your daughter ever set off to a party without telling you when or exactly where to pick her up afterwards? Even worse: Everytime you call her and ...