UCLA Library

UCLA MobilizingCS

MobilizingCS is a data collection tool. It provides mobile-based data capture through inquiry-based surveys and temporarily triggered reminders. All c...

UCLA Mobile

UCLA Mobile offers up-to-date information, optimized for different types of mobile devices. Find news, events, people, places, shuttle schedules, and ...


Ever got lost around campus? Friends talking about this great place, but you don't know where it is? This great app will help you find it right aw...

The Library

"The Library" is a collection of several popular encyclopedias. It is your one stop for popular game guides and TV show trivia. You can search, and bo...

NTU Library



※ Sony SmartWatch MN2用アプリです。※Ver.0.4.0でAndroidのバージョンそれぞれで取得できる通知情報を最大限取得して通知するように処理を変更しました。Android4.2~では通知内容に変わりはないはずですが、それ以下のバージョンでは、今までより通知情報が少し増えてい...