colors breaks Live Wallpaper
Colors breaks live wallpaper is a Android app which is a live wallpaper , show Colors breaks with water effect on your home screen. This is a very spe...
Colors breaks live wallpaper is a Android app which is a live wallpaper , show Colors breaks with water effect on your home screen. This is a very spe...
Select a single, solid color to use as your wallpaper. Easy to use and very battery/CPU efficient.Usage instructions: After installation, open your wa...
Favorite Color Wallpapers give you a simple way to set yours favorite color as phone wallpaper.You can pick color by 4 ways: - By touch preview UI - B...
本遊戲的遊玩方式非常簡單,但同時也是能夠讓玩家著迷的遊戲。自從GameSaien.com以電腦用網頁遊戲的型式創作出本益智遊戲後,受到許多玩家的熱愛。本App程式由Google Play Games提供程式支援。遊玩方式請您點擊沒有磚塊的場所。被點擊的場所上下左右四個方向直線上最為靠近的磚塊如果有相...
Make your device bright and colorful with these beautiful wallpapers loaded with color. In this app you can choose a wallpaper from more than 150 colo...
Color Live Wallpaper features water ripple simulation! Support Tablet Landscape mode..To use: Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers免費玩Color Li...
The Color Wallpaper app offers a simple way to change wallpaper based on how you feel. Color Wallpaper serves as a alternate way to express your mood,...
Four Colors Live Wallpaper creates beautiful colored backgrounds which fade slowly as time goes by. No ads, no frills.It's highly optimized using ...
Pick and set any single color as background wallpaper. Simple, clean and no ad's or special permissions. App development is what we love! ...
Taking inspiration from the Android 4.4 boot animation a wallpaper that produces drops of colour which merge, mix and blend together across your scree...