Real Dice Roll Premium
Includes: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20.This version has no ads. Search for Real Dice Roll (Free) to download the ad-supported version. Free version d...
Includes: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20.This version has no ads. Search for Real Dice Roll (Free) to download the ad-supported version. Free version d...
Dice Roller is a virtual roller to play any game that need to use the dice. Have you need a dice but you can't find it? Yes, this application is t...
Dice Roller helps you out when you sit down to a roleplaying session, and you realise you forgot your dice bag. With Dice Roller you can roll multiple...
The Dice for every situation! Useable for all games with dice.Use it for a party game, social evening or a roleplay game (RPG). The Dice Donkey offers...
The Diemoire is built to be used with your favorite tabletop RPGs. It works with the greatest tabletop games, games like Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowr...
Telegram Dice Roller is a, obviously, dice roller to play some games with your friends. Dices with 6 sides, Poker and Casino Games.免費玩Telegram Dice Ro...
There are a lot of dice rollers on the market, but none of them seemed to handle White Wolf / World of Darkness / Exalted style mechanics very well. E...
This is a dice rolling simulation tool for tabletop games.The main goal of the project is to make DnD and similar gaming easier and faster, so instead...
**AVISO** Esta aplicación solo permite realizar la simulación de la tirada de los dados.**DICE Battle Simulator en una aplicación que le permitirá sim...
This app provides the ability to roll various sets of dice.A set of dice is composed by numeric dice, indicating their number and the number of their ...