Travel Cost V2 Pro

Travel Expense

Travel Expense helps you to record your expense during traveling, i.e. on a business trip, an out of the office appointment or a person vacation. [Fea...

Travel Expenses

Travel Expenses Application allows you to track your business or vacation trip allowances and expenses.Features Included:- Display Total Income and Ex...


* 50% Off for a limited time! *積少成多,聚沙成塔!Expenses 有精緻易用的介面,讓您輕鬆掌握每日開支,並提供每天、每月、每年的支出總數分析。支援繁體中文介面!相容 Android 1.6 以上版本,並針對 HVGA 以及 WVGA 顯示器最佳化!keywords...

Heart Beat Rate Pro

Heart Beat Rate app岆珨遴瞳蚚秷夔忒儂眈儂輛俴陑薹潼聆腔茼蚚最唗﹝蚕衾粒蚚賸夔劂妗奀躲趿掩聆氪悛霜講腔陔倰芞砉煦昴揭燴最唗ㄛ蜆茼蚚最唗夔劂眻諉﹜褫蕞腔聆腕掩聆氪腔陑薹﹝硐剒蔚眈儂噩芛勤袧妘硌硌潑ㄛ蜆茼蚚最唗晞褫數呾堤掩聆氪腔妗奀陑薹﹝肮奀ㄛ珆尨闕喳陓瘍盄芞﹝Heart Beat ...