OK timer, counts your time like never beforeThe perfect Timer-beautifully clean, simple and reliable.Perfect for every timing situation (sports, games...
OK timer, counts your time like never beforeThe perfect Timer-beautifully clean, simple and reliable.Perfect for every timing situation (sports, games...
This is what it is.The perfect timer - nothing more, nothing less.Because time does not exist in itself, but is a product of representation, we like t...
Timer is an easy to use digital talking timer that is responsive and accurate.Features:•Talking countdown timer•Large display•Runs in background•Persi...
Barebones timer for basic timing needs.Features: • Counts up to 99:99.99 • Counts up and down • Shows difference between current time and last time免費玩...
OK timer, counts your time like never before The perfect Timer-beautifully clean, simple and reliable. Perfect for every timing situation (sports, gam...
This simple clock app features a non-intrusive and full-screen digital clock displayed with large and clear dynamic numerals. Designed for high visibi...
Tick Ticky is an innovative game to cultivate the concept of time in children both in English and Punjabi. Kids learn how to read and set time in a cl...
The villagers of Tickertock do everything to the tick and tock of the village clock. One day, when the clock stops, the villagers freeze with it. Henr...
Alltock is a clock for procrastinators. It varies from on-time to 15 minutes ahead, but does not tell you how far ahead it is. Will you risk being 10 ...