Table Teacher


Taable (“泰博”)是一個多媒體共享社交平台,用戶可創建個人頻道及頻道內的節目,節目版面提供簡明及便捷的操作,用戶可體驗到完全個性化的運作 - 上傳、鏈接、管理、組織、共享多媒體內容,及對內容發表意見。主要功能:✔ 體驗成為頻道製作人,在製作的節目版面裡編制、重溫及展示他們喜歡的時刻、意念、興...

Table Bell

內容介紹 : Very beautiful table bell are rare and precious objects. Your android phone enables you to use such a bell to call for everybody when dinner i...

PhoeniX Kitchen

- Important note: the background of the app is black, on my device all system is transparent, that is why you see my wallpaper. Transparent system is ...

Tables 1-10

This application allows a student to memorize the multiplication tables from 1 to 10 with the classical method easily. Repeating again and again to me...