Street Number
Why look for a street number when your phone can tell you what it is. "Street Number" talks to you, telling you the street numbers as they change. An ...
Why look for a street number when your phone can tell you what it is. "Street Number" talks to you, telling you the street numbers as they change. An ...
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Com o aplicativo do Supermercado Melo você fica por dentro das nossas ofertas, recebe cupons de desconto, faz compras na nossa loja virtual, confere o...
Are you feeling lucky?Do you have too many apps installed and you don't want to go through them one by one to decide which ones to keep or delete?...
Find Number For Kid is a game for children (or every one) who want to practice and learn how to detect and recognize number fast. This game is very us...
Find Next Number is a simple game to test your brain and your logic. In each level a sequence of 5 numbers appears and you have to think which is the ...
Time students, I think you have ever know and play find number on paper. And now, you can play it on smartphone to relax and rediscover childhood. Qui...
Finding the next number in a sequence of numbers is a typical task in intelligence tests(IQ). This application develop skills like cognitive ability, ...
Welcome to Find Number:Kids Practice for finding Numbers is a fun way to help children learn about numbers. The features in this app* Before and after...
Let's test your concentration with this game . Try to make a highscore and post here to share with everyone . Happy playing !!!免費玩Find That Number...