Space Tim

TIM Estilo

O Tim Estilo com Gloria Kalil é um aplicativo que orientará você a ter estilo e comportamento adequados às mais diversas situações.Valorizar a própria...

Cooking eBooks

This application will bring you directly to one of the biggest free online library in the world. Featured Bookyards Free Cooking, Food & Wine eBooks C...

Cook me

Cook Me! lets you manage the ingredients you have in your fridge, including a shopping list. From here, you can search over more than 165 thousand onl...


等待终于结束了。首先让我们向您介绍一下终极益智游戏 - GeoKing!纽约、伦敦、墨尔本、柏林 - 您能将这些城市钉在地图上吗?与全球好友或随机玩家挑战,在地图上展开精彩对战。让大头针尽可能靠近我们正在寻找的城市,打败您的对手,宣布赢得比赛!游戏分为 3 个回合,每个回合 5 个城市。- 上学时擅...

Space Tim

Fly Tim through the asteroid field by moving his spaceship to safety. Tap the ship to fire the lazer, pick up gold dust to power the laser cannon and ...




时空码(Time Space Code,简称TS Code)是通付盾首创的国际专利,是一种安全可信的准硬件级别的动态多维码技术,支持二维码、条形码和数字码等多种显示方式。融合多安全因子、动态算法、P2P校验等技术,有效保护近程凭证安全,防偷拍、防截屏,同时保护远程凭证安全,防病毒、防木马。 使用时空...