This is an example app for our product NewsKit for WordPress. It provides the content of the website in the form of a native ...
This is an example app for our product NewsKit for WordPress. It provides the content of the website in the form of a native ...
CREANCEnet, l'application affacturage réservée aux clients Professionnels et Entreprises Banque Populaire Factorem.Où en est le traitement de ma r...
This is a support app for SMSlam.Please search for SMSlam before installing this app.免費玩SMSlamRelayNine APP玩免費免費玩SMSlamRelayNine AppSMSlamRelayNine AP...
Najveća baza stanova, kuća, poslovnog prostora, zemljišta za kupovinu, izdavanje, kratkoročno izdavanje u Srbiji sa portala od s...
Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to all cells in the body, primarily muscle. Thi...
Grafische Darstellung von Proteinprofilen im Urin.Berechnet die geschätzte GFR. Zur Auswahl stehen folgende Formeln:- CKD-EPI- MDRD- Schwartz- MAYODie...
From the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), this application allows medical professionals to estimate kidney function using five separate eGFR calculat...
『腎利人生』APP由彰化基督教醫院 腎臟科暨慢性腎臟病(CKD)醫療團隊與資訊部共同設計,提供民眾查詢護腎保健相關資訊,更提供給參加醫院腎臟病個案照護計劃之腎友能在第一時間內查到檢驗結果,包括生化學檢查、血液學檢查及尿液檢查,隨時掌握關心自已的健康。藉由資訊科技之輔助期望提供更優質、安全及快速的醫療...
Elektrisierende Eindrücke auf iPad und Tablet Computer: Die neue Version der EFG App!Das passende Steck- und Anschlussystem raussuchen und auf technis...
The application allows for the calculation of GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) through the main two formulas: Cockroft-Gault and MDRD those derived fr...