Праведные Халифы
بسم لله الرحمن الرحيم Посланник Аллаха, да благословит его Аллах и да приветствует, сказал: «Поистине, тот (из вас), кто переживет (меня), станет свид...
بسم لله الرحمن الرحيم Посланник Аллаха, да благословит его Аллах и да приветствует, сказал: «Поистине, тот (из вас), кто переживет (меня), станет свид...
Would you need clean and lunar calendar application (Calendar Widget)?Now use the calendar is complicated and inconvenient it?Then you easily and quic...
A new, fast, modern and fun Flickr app for Android phones and tablets.Glimmr is now open source, help out on Github @ https://github.com/brk3/glimmr"M...
Never miss your stop again.Use on the bus, train or car, just set your destination on the map and you'll be notified when you're arriving.Trav...
Need help deciding what to wear? With this app, you can take and tag pictures of clothing then get outfit suggestions, or virtually browse your closet...
學越南語收錄了超過800句常用的短語和詞彙。你將會發現這是一個非常有用的工具,尤其是當你到越南旅遊、遇見從越南來的朋友或在越南遇上緊急情況的時候等…… 透過本短語集,你可以跟懂得越南語的小鸚鵡學習越南語。無論你在何時何地,小鸚鵡都會與你一同練習您的閱讀和聆聽能力,你將會發現學習越南語原來是如此簡單容...
鯊魚高清壁紙❤是真棒背景為您的手機。你不必為了避免鯊魚襲擊,你會看到所有的鯊魚種類沒有潛入深海!鯊魚的美妙影像會驚奇你所有的朋友,盡快得到這些涼爽的背景。這個驚人的新的應用程序為您提供了危險的鯊魚在深藍色的水中的精彩動畫背景。下載“ 鯊魚高清壁紙” ,並裝飾你的屏幕在盡可能最好的方式。美麗的壁紙和夢...
Get Space Live Wallpaper and gaze into the mysteries of the unknown. Touch the shooting stars flying across the sky with this new live wallpaper! Choo...
Bright Images Slideshow LWP is a live wallpaper application for Android. It can execute on Android smart phone and tablet. Bing Images presents one am...