Pisa BikeSharing


The Pisa App's content is fully offline so that you can access information even when connectivity is not available.The main features of this app a...


147面試題目讓你在職場上脫穎而出。1. 請你自我介紹一下2. 你覺得你個性上最大的優點是什麽?3. 說說你最大的缺點?4. 你對加班的看法?5. 你對薪資的要求?6. 在五年的時間內,你的職業規劃?7. 你朋友對你的評價?8. 你還有什麽問題要問嗎?9. 如果通過這次面試我們單位錄用了你,但工作一...

Test Your Eyes

Finally you can test and improve your Color Vision Easily! In 4 different tests, you can see your results, and determine where your Color Vision lacks...