

Photo Editor是个简单好用的照片编修APP。(谢酷友 Derry 的 发现 ) 你可以调整色彩,增加特效,自由旋转,裁切,缩放,加框,还有在你的照片上涂鸦。你可以调整色调,饱和,这都没什么了不起,Photo Editor还可让你调整gamma,对比,模糊,锐化,甚至自动调色。滤镜效果有油划...


Photo Editor是个简单好用的照片编修APP。(谢酷友 Derry 的 发现 ) 你可以调整色彩,增加特效,自由旋转,裁切,缩放,加框,还有在你的照片上涂鸦。你可以调整色调,饱和,这都没什么了不起,Photo Editor还可让你调整gamma,对比,模糊,锐化,甚至自动调色。滤镜效果有油划...


An application template based on jQuery Mobile and Cordova PhoneGap, featuring an Android Holo styled interface. This app is merely here for demonstra...

Photo Editor

Photo Editor is a simple and easy application for photo editing.Adjust color, add effects, rotate, crop on your photos. Color adjustment options inclu...

Photo Editor +

Photo Editor +Photo Editor + is a powerful photo editor which we created because we wanted a quick and easy way to edit our photos on the go with no f...

Photo Editor

*Photo Editor is a simple and easy application for photo editor. * A very comprehensive photo editor and pretty much everything you could ever want to...