Moon 3D Glow

Moon 3D Glow

Simple tool for calculating moon phase for any given date. Nice 3D graphics instead of unnecessary numbers. Designed for hi-end devices including tabl...

Moon 3D

Simple tool for calculating moon phase for any given date.Features:- Visual display of the current moon phase- Dates of the next syzygies (new moon an...

Moon Phases 3D

Do you want to view the moon in 3D mode?This application is built with opengl ES 2.0.You can see the moon at the center of the screen.Rotate it as you...

3D Moon

內容介紹 : Love looking at the Moon, then you will like this Live Wallpaper of the moon. Showing the moon at different angle. Options for transparent box...

Moon 3D

A 3D map of the moon. Includes locations of landing sites and geographic features.Moon texture from planetpixelemporium.comGeographic location data fr...

3D 時鐘免費

這個很酷的動態壁紙看到當前的時間和日期 - 在真正的3D。 瀏覽主屏幕之間的互動與此壁紙或捏,放大和縮小。觀看文本旋轉和移動的背景,從一側到另一側。 在完整版中,您可以自定義日期和背景。您可以選擇12或24小時時間格式。適用於任何顏色的文本和背景。或選擇一個文本的紋理,一個你喜歡從圖書館或更改背景圖...