Monster Truck Mayhem

Monster Mayhem Extreme Runner

說明它們不是傳說或虛構的故事。這些生物是可怕、 醜陋和無畏 !他們可以到處都和他們可以看到你,聽到你,他們會找到你。這些怪物可以真實 !怪物被創建的愚蠢的人類-走錯了一項實驗、 輻射的影響或對生境的毀壞。或通常怪物是從外太空、 已在地球上已很長時間沒有人見過它,或釋放 (或喚醒) 從某種類型的它被關...

Construction Mayhem

內容介紹 : Construction Mayhem BEST NEW ANDROID GAME is finally out!. Get your skills ready because Construction Mayhem is simple and yet easy to play wi...

Galaxy Mayhem

Welcome to Galaxy Mayhem!!!Your Goal is to survive AS LONG AS possible from the threats flying around in space.To survive, Hold your phone FLAT with b...

Taxi Mayhem

In Taxi Mayhem you play as a taxi driver trying to force your way past all of the other taxis on the road. Your score is determined by how many you pa...