Modern Team Strike app

Call of Duty Strike Team Full Game

《使命召喚:突擊隊 Call of Duty: Strike Team》是《使命召喚》系列的最新作。其故事背景設定在2020 年,全球各大勢力之間紛爭不斷,局勢極度緊張。在一次突襲之後,美國陷入了一場充滿疑問的戰爭,敵人的身份難以確定,而玩家的任務就是令導一支訓練有素的聯合特種部隊,找出並消滅這場戰...

Venus Viewer

Venus Viewer by using OpenGL ES 2.0. renders rotating 3D planet Venus with detail surface and bump map technique. Application includes the following f...

Jupiter Viewer

Jupiter Viewer by using OpenGL ES 2.0. renders rotating 3D planet Jupiter with detail surface. Application includes the following features:- Antialias...

Mars Viewer

Mars Viewer by using OpenGL ES 2.0. renders rotating 3D planet Mars with detail surface and bumpmapping technique. Application includes the following ...

Mercury Viewer

Mercury Viewer by using OpenGL ES 2.0. renders rotating 3D planet Mercury with detail surface and bump map technique. Application includes the followi...