French Hungarian Dictionary Fr
This is French Hungarian Dictionary (Dictionnaire Français Hongrois, Francia Magyar Szótár), containing 108000 translation articles. The Dictionary is...
This is French Hungarian Dictionary (Dictionnaire Français Hongrois, Francia Magyar Szótár), containing 108000 translation articles. The Dictionary is...
Do you find yourself with idle time waiting in lines, sitting on the bus, or just watching TV on the couch? Use these times to brush up on your French...
A medium-sized dictionary with around 270,000 keywords, phrases and translations.Who can benefit in particular from this app?Everyone who has to conti...
This is English - Kannada and Kannada - English Dictionary (ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಶ್ ಕನ್ನಡ ನಿಘಂಟು, अंग्रेजी कन्नड़ शब्दकोश है). The Application is OFFLINE and does no...
French Lite, by award winning developer Mobilinga, allows you to try before you buy. French Lite contains a sample selection of words and phrases to h...
A comprehensive bi-lingual dictionary with up-to-date vocabulary, including slang and useful expressions. The dictionary is fully transliterated, in r...
This is French Romanian Dictionary (Dictionnaire Français Roumain, Dicţionar Român-Francez), containing 48000 translation articles. The Dictionary is ...
This is English - Persian (Farsi) and Persian (Farsi) - English Dictionary (فرهنگ لغت فارسی به انگلیسی و انگلیسی به فارسی), containing 248000 translat...
This application makes it easy to consult the online French dictionary TLFi from the “Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales”. It is po...
Learn French the easy way ! The purpose of the game is to match English words with their French equivalents. Drag one word above its match to make a p...