Metar Plan

Mind Plan

Mind Plan is a simple tool to assist user to draft any idea in mind in a structured way. A plan is simply a series of outlines which are ordered in le...


Plannit是跨越Android,IOS,Web的组织聚会工具,简单、方便、高效的组织你的熟人朋友参加活动。投票式的组织形式更加高效民主。即时的留言互动使你免费且轻松的应对口水佬/善变者。GPS地图功能使得路痴不再去错集会点。活动开始前提醒功能使得忙碌的你不错过任何一个老友鬼鬼的聚会。 沉浸在众多...

Metar Plan

MetarPlan is a tool that will give you METAR and TAF information.Many times the ICAO code for a given airport is not known when you need it. Instead o...


Blijft er aan het eind van je geld altijd nog een stukje maand over en wil je weten wanneer de nieuwe stufi weer binnenkomt?Met deze widget weet je al...