Marites Allen Feng Shui 2014

Feng Shui Home

Whether you are new to feng shui, new to the modern western style of Feng Shui Home, or a long-time feng shui fan returning to refresh your knowledge ...


什麼樣的房子絕對不能買?怎麼選一個好風水的房子?明白其中的奧秘嗎?讓中國風水策劃院執行院長、中華周易研究會秘書長、中國姓名文化研究會會長,王浩驊大師為您一一講解,從中您會掌握家居玄關設計風水的八大要點,家居風水之門、窗、臥室、衛浴佈局的知識。瞭解居家風水的佈局,給自己及家人一個更好的居住環境。 更多...

Feng Shui

Feng means wind and shui means water. In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortun...