Linux Monitor

Linux Monitor

escription: The Linux Monitoring application concentrates several resource information about your remote Linux server (or client) in one window. You c...

Traffic Logger

This application show the network traffic amount used by your smartphone within the last 63 days. - You can confirm network traffic amount by daily an...


文件浏览器,可让您管理您的Andr​​oid设备上的文件。 如何控制您的文件!文件指挥官是一个完整的功能丰富的文件管理器,允许您访问和处理的文件在你的Andr​​oid设备和远程文件存储在外部云服务谷歌驱动器,升降梭箱,Box.net和SugarSync账户。您可以单独处理相同的类型,例如图片,音乐...