Signature Capture App
SignIt app allows a user to sign and take notes which can be saved and shared instantly in email or social media. Signature can also be saved in your ...
SignIt app allows a user to sign and take notes which can be saved and shared instantly in email or social media. Signature can also be saved in your ...
Stop unwanted apps and processes easily. Restart all working apps with one touch. Quickly free up memory without a need for switching off your phone.免...
Easy Task Killer, Your intelligent Android assistant.Does your phone always need charging, even once a day?Does your phone always run slowly by a lot ...
Easy Task Killer, Your intelligent Android assistant. Does your phone always need charging, even once a day? Does your phone always run slowly by a lo...
Great Application to Share and Manage your Applications installed on your Device. You can easily share applications with your Friends and families via...
Mobilizirajte svoj posel in naredite mobilno aplikacijo z logotipom vašega podjetja. Uporaba mobilnih aplikacij se je v zadnjem času zelo razširila. Č...
Easy Shot is licensed by Magcom International Ltd for Founder Globaltech Limited.It is a Camera APP for the product "Easy Shot" which is a wireless re...
The Catholic faith is built upon 2,000 years of tradition. There's a lot to learn and therefore a lot to overlook. This app collects the fourteen ...
ROOT USERS ONLY!This app will completely disable the Wi-Fi network you are connected to (using a program called arpspoof). It will kill the internet f...
歡迎來到你的新任務。你是一位準備好在危險的軍事攻擊和靜默的刺客任務裡發揮才華的秘密特種部隊士兵。透過強大槍械的協助,你將依賴射手技能來完成工作。深入刺探敵方的領域,找出並除掉隱藏的目標。瞄準和放大鏡頭,找出和識別目標。深呼吸... 扣動扳機,使出射殺射擊。我們需要確認士兵傷亡。祝你好運。高速度的遊戲...