Your favorite music playing in the music player automatically find the lyrics of the song that application. Notification bar icon appears when playing...
Your favorite music playing in the music player automatically find the lyrics of the song that application. Notification bar icon appears when playing...
Do you like listening to music? Then this app is for you! Within just 2 clicks you can find lyrics for your favourite songs! There are more then 650 0...
Finally HoloLyrics arrives on Google Play, the application you are looking for. Now you do not spend more hours to the computer looking for lyrics, wi...
Lyrics to all Linkin Park albums + Bonus tracks are now available for your Android device! You don't need Internet connection to access the lyrics...
Do you like listening to music? It's a place where all searches end!You can find lyrics for your favourite songs.We have a large and every day gro...
'Linkin Park Lyrics' - has all the lyrics from all the albums of linkin park, over 150 song lyrics of linkin park are present here.It is an of...
SongLyrics is an android app that fetches your lyrics for you almost instantly. Its main perks is that it's very fast, it features Music ID, a sea...
Welcome to the LYRICS UNIVERSE !It's a place where all searches end!We have a large, every day growing universe of lyricswhere stars of all genres...
'CA-Cross' is a very simple and addictive puzzle game.This puzzle is Cross-Version of 'Connect-All', and its difficulty level is much ...
Across Space - Игровой процесс представлен в стиле Old School. Игроку предоставляется выбор из множества космических кораблей. Каждый корабль имеет со...