

XnExpress,一個簡單、脫去繁複設定又易上手的拍照App.您可以很快的做出漂亮照片並可分享於主流社交網站。主要特色有:- 多種色彩特效- 調對比- 調亮度- 調飽和度- 調色溫- 調曝光度- 凸顯特定區域- 調陰影- 光暈特效- 顆粒特效- 可旋轉- 可裁切- 加框- 存入畫廊- 透過 Ins...

Zing News

This is the official app for, largest online newspaper in Vietnam. App features include:- The best news reading experience in mobile with clea...


"JmsExpress Dialer" can be used on the compatible Android phone sets to make VoIP calls using a service provider. It allows international voice calls ...


HK-Express Dialer is a mobile app for Android. The HK-Express Dialer helps users make international calls easier from an Android phone. The applicatio...

XinhXinh là hệ thống website dành riêng cho phụ nữ với những thông tin và kiến thức dành cho chị em phụ nữ:- Thông tin thời trang cập nhật liên...


・3つの変数を含んだ分数式の計算用電卓アプリです。変数は x, y, z(またはa, b, c)が使用できます。また、変数および括弧は4乗までの入力が可能です。・計算結果は、基本的に因数分解された形式で表示されます。ただし、数式の中に6乗以上の変数項が含まれる場合、展開形式で表示されます。(要は6次...

Express Rx

Express Rx is a free application for your smartphone that connects you to your pharmacy. Not only will you be able to send refill requests, but you wi...