Jeremy Lin Video Game

Hit Pop HD

Party Savior系列第一彈!Party不知道要玩什麼?氣氛怎麼都HIGH不起來?現在就拿出你的iphone開啟「Hit!Pop!」解救Party的窘境吧!只需按下對戰按鈕,等待倒數三秒,這是場反應與速度的攻防戰!繃緊你的神經,雙人對戰模式準備好突襲對方吧~ First game of “Pa...

Hit Them

Test your reflexes and coordination with "Hit Them".It is an action game, very immersive once you learn to play well, with online features.You have to...

Hit them-HD

As a god,You are responsible for hitting the kinds of monsters to protect the human.Come on,holds the weapon!Be careful, don't hit the sensitive human...