Go currency converter

Ottawa SUN+

Read the latest local news, sports and entertainment on-the-go with the Ottawa SUN+ app. Take the top Ottawa SUN headlines with you - anywhere, anytim...

Currency =

Current version: 2.0.0Publish date: 29/9/2014Currency = is a simple currency rate exchange app. Website(http://currencyequals.tonycube.com/a/)免費玩Curre...

Currency converter plus

Android 版 Currency converter 是一款簡單的貨幣轉換器 (或匯率計算器)。主要功能: - 易於使用 - 離線使用 - 儲存檔案/載入您的收藏 - 變更主要貨幣 - 設定喜好 - 線上更新: 歐洲中央銀行, 其他來源或者手動輸入您的貨幣。homepage: http://ha...