Geotrafo dient zur Koordinatentransformation verschiedener Systeme im europäischen Bereich.Unterstützte Koordinatensysteme:WGS84, UTM weltweit, MGRS(U...
Geotrafo dient zur Koordinatentransformation verschiedener Systeme im europäischen Bereich.Unterstützte Koordinatensysteme:WGS84, UTM weltweit, MGRS(U...
GeocachingSearch is a *very simple* tool that looks up for nearby caches based on your location.It uses device GPS to find your position and then perf...
This application allows you to see the POIS of your city by Layar augmented reality aplication.You can add your own points on the website www.geociuda...
Find Geocaches allows you to find geocaches at your current location right from your phone. Also has support for complete offline caching!Paperless ge...
Use with any geocaching app that lets you log finds directly. It provides a list of common acronyms to insert so you can post logs quickly.To enable g...
See near Geocaches at first glance! +++ Now up to 30 Caches +++Features:Near Geocaches always in view30 near Caches (Pro Version)See notifications of ...
GeoCam Pro is a free and easy utility for video recording, its automatic geolocation and immediate online sharing. Besides sharing your clips on www.V...
Geocaching is the real-world treasure hunting adventure that’s happening right now, all around you. Geocachers use this app to seek out treasures call...
Geocaching is a game that reveals a world beyond the everyday, where the possibility of a new discovery hides under park benches, in the forest, and p...
You have your mobile device and your high end GPS tracking device and you are away from home, but you don't have the local Geocaches in your GPS! ...