Gentlemen's Poker Club app

Being Club APP製作1

做夢也可以當真--【Being Club】讓你寫出自己的夢想程式, 和夢想的旅人一起啟程。「未來,等著!」 還困擾在 "To be or not to be." 的掙扎中嗎?別再猶豫, 加入Being Club的行列,讓夢想成為進行式! FB粉絲團

Being Club APP製作2

做夢也可以當真--【Being Club】讓你寫出自己的夢想程式, 和夢想的旅人一起啟程。「未來,等著!」 還困擾在 "To be or not to be." 的掙扎中嗎?別再猶豫, 加入Being Club的行列,讓夢想成為進行式! FB粉絲團

Strip poker

Play strip poker. Made as well for men, women,... solo or live multiplayer, simply click on an opponent in order to start a game versus computer. New ...

MagicPoker Magic App

Android 平台上效果最好、最自由的魔術App:MagicPoker!!-------------------------最基本的效果:手機翻轉至面朝下,請觀眾隨意地滑動手機上的撲克牌,想停就停,而觀眾最後停的那張撲克牌...正是魔術師的預言!!效果極為強烈!!另外,亦可以搭配你的撲克牌程序來表...

Poker Deluxe

Top-rated Poker App on Facebook! ★★★★★ FASTEST growing Poker App on Android! Texas Hold'Em Poker Deluxe offers classic gameplay, full Facebook compati...

VIP Poker

Play Texas Hold’em Poker live with thousands of players from around the world. Whether you’re a pro or a beginner at Texas Holdem, VIP Poker has the r...