Fingers the Card Game app

Fingerprint Mood Scanner Prank

Fingerprint Mood Scanner Prank是一个恶作剧程序,其目的只为娱乐目的。您的手机实际上并不具备检测你的心情基于指纹的能力。MoodScanner(恶作剧)是一个fingerprint scanner app,会告诉你什么样的心情,你有。这是非常容易使用。只要把你的拇指放在扫...

Card Game

turn by turn, the players create a landscape by placing tiles with roads, cities, fields, and cloisters. The players deploy their followers - knights,...

Card Game

This is a card game played by a single person, tha game is also known as Patience. It is one amongst the varieties of card games, the difference being...