Feeling app

Masterpieces Art by Samsung

在 Masterpieces 探索數碼藝術。本藝術作品集展出亞洲各地藝術家在平板電腦和新的數碼媒體上精心繪製的傑作。歡迎瀏覽這些精選作品;您可選擇分享、按讚、獻畫,甚至提交自己的藝術作品!啟動動態桌布(Android 4.2+),每天即可在您的主螢幕和鎖定螢幕上欣賞一幅新的圖像。Masterpiec...


Incoming the ultimate shootout! Unleash hell on the enemy - use guns, tactics and dirty tricks! We give you six battlefields, a bunch of weapons and a...


Get the very most from your day at Efteling Download the Efteling app! What’s the waiting time at ‘Joris and de Draak’? Is the weather going to stay f...


Driving you to be a better driver: Put miles into Flo and improve your skills with real-time audio and visual feedback, as well as a point system that...

Flo Fjære

NÅ GRATIS!Endelig er det kommet en pålitelig og oversiktlig app som viser når det er flo og fjære. Denne appen bruker stedet du er på nå for å finne n...

Feeling Lucky

Providing that your lottery does not cheat, every combination of numbers has EQUAL chance to be the winning combination. So why not just relax and let...


A simple lucky App.Install it, a lucky icon will appear in the status bar of your phone.Try it and tell us your lucky event!免費玩LuckyApp APP玩免費免費玩Lucky...