FF11VanaTime app

Sleep Time

On average, it takes around 14 minutes to fall asleep, and each stage while sleeping last around 90 minutes. Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle ...


Sleep App é a aplicação que permite conectar o seu dispositivo móvel a uma nova tecnologia existente no seu colchão, que monitoriza os movimentos dura...

DinnerTime 家長監控

“這個程序給想用手機和平板設備給孩子限定時間的家長提供了最簡單的解決方案。”——Lifehacker“DinnerTime家長監控是六月以來最好的前二十個安卓應用程序。”——The Guardian"Hot tech life hacks to make the most of summer." -...

World Time

A simple app to view date and time for different time zones.You pick a timezone, and it shows the date and time for that timezone for the current time...

SIP HorsePower Dyno Free

中文 (繁�) (Traditional Chinese):(中文 (简体) (Simplified Chinese is below))坊間多款虛擬馬力機,均是憑電話內置GPS或加速計估計引擎出力:其實誤差太大,數據必不可靠。本軟件突破之處,就是沿用眞正馬力機的分析流程。不用將你的坐駕放在馬力機上...


“知天气”是江西省气象局所授权的气象局官方气象客户端,也是江西省首个全省统一的专业气象服务客户端和服务平台。 “知天气”为用户提供江西省内各地市县的实时预报、未来一周天气走势预报,以及过去24小时内温度、风速、降水量、相对湿度的整点实况走势图,同时还提供舒适度、晨练、穿衣、感冒、紫外线等用户日常最关...