Eye Know: Animals app

Slime - Slick Slim IME

軽快に入力できるスリムな日本語入力システムです。子音だけで入力できます。指スライドまたは二本指操作もできます。ソースと辞書が公開されています。Android 2.x以上で利用できます。Facebookページもご利用ください。https://www.facebook.com/pages/Slime/1...


BrainBrunch is a bunch of games app.In this app, we have four different games as follows:1.Counting Shapes: counting shapes is an educational game to ...

GTEC Canada

The official app of GTEC. You can use this app to: - Create a personalized agenda & sync them with your desktop or calendar - Connect with other atten...

CPhI Istanbul

This is the official app for CPhI IstanbulThis mobile app allows you to:* View exhibitors and speakers* Create your personal agenda* Access interactiv...