Euro to US Dollar
The fastest and simplest converter from Euro to US Dollar and from US Dollar to Euro. Setting the currencies every time is not needed. You just launch...
The fastest and simplest converter from Euro to US Dollar and from US Dollar to Euro. Setting the currencies every time is not needed. You just launch...
Index to SermonsofRev. William Marrion BranhamThis is a comprehensive listing of all the sermons of William Branham that includes the title, date, loc...
BMIndex is an app that calculates your Body Mass Index and if you want, you can save your BMI and it will be stored in a log file that you can view by...
Der Beissindex für Deinen Angelplatz!Angeln wenn die Fische aktiv sind - Hol Dir hier den Beissindex für Deinen Angelplatz!Mit Beissindex und Angelwet...
Findex is an open source simple file search. Findex will index your external storage and allow you to easily navigate your files without much of a fil...
Canadian Dollar / United States Dollar currency converter. CAD CA$ C$ $ / USD US$ $The exchange rate is automatically updated.Easy one click conversio...
South Korean Won / US Dollar currency converter. Won KRW ₩ ₩ W 원 / USD US$ $The exchange rate is automatically updated.Easy one click conversion. Very...
Converts Euros to US Dollars or USD Dollars back to Euros quickly, easy, and painless.Great for traveling will work without an active internet connect...
Le Chien + ZEN est une application unique et originale, initiée et soutenue par les Vétérinaires Français. Que vous viviez avec un chien ou pas, vos e...
Grâce à cette application pour Smartphones et tablettes, en menant de petites expériences et en répondant à des questionnaires, vous en saurez plus s...