Epico 2.0 LITE app


APP 回收桶是您手機上最方便的應用程式,它幫助您管理 Andr​​oid 應用程序、追踨軟體安裝及卸除並自動備份多版本應用程式(.apk) 檔案。透過「APP 回收桶」可以幫助您快速、有效率的管理應用程式。程式特色1. 簡單易用的操作介面2. 已刪除 APP 程式管理 3. 已安裝 APP 程式管...


Aurasma is the industry-leading augmented reality app that’s changing the way millions of people see and interact with the world. In fact, it’s the on...

Hangman Lite

Hangman(Jeopardy) is a game/learning tool. It can help you improve your knowledge of the English language in a fun way for all age groups. The App has...

My BioRhythm Lite

My BioRhythm is installed as AppWidget only.The size of the widget is installed in a 4x2 size.Background, text and graphs of each color and transparen...