Easy Shredding


由全国第一偶像潮流志《Easy音乐世界》制作团队打造的移动媒体平台Easy App,是全国第一的偶像潮流移动交互平台,集当红偶像资讯,影音视频,潮流情报,购物体验,用户互动等诸多功能于一体,让用户在赏心悦目的视听享受中,随时随地轻松掌握最爱偶像的所有信息,了解最新顶尖潮流资讯,同时通过移动客户端便捷...

Easy Parken

Die Applikation „Easy Parken“ versendet wiederholt SMS an den Dienst „HANDY Parken“. Einfach SMS Sendeprofil und die SMS-Empfängernummer auswählen und...

Easy Grader

This Easy Grader app is for teachers on the go! Leave your EZ Grader behind and never worry about it again. This app will generate an easy to read gra...


URL Shortener with a barebones Holo Style. Easily shorten and share those hideously long URL's that are found all over the Web.As an added bonus n...