Drug Labels app

Drug Information APP

Hi,Drug Information APP 透過手持裝置與台灣大學醫院和台北榮民總醫院的藥品搜尋網站連結,可以讓您方便與快速的確認 所食之藥品的正確性,以避免誤食其它藥品之意外發生。例如,當您從醫院或診所拿到藥品時,並且對於其中品項有疑問,就可透過該搜尋網站,輸入藥單上的藥品名稱,即可查尋到該藥...

new drugs

Free New Drugs App.Useful for Medical,Dental,Nursing & all Para-medical students.Physicians,Pharma-students,Health-care Professionals & students worki...

Irmo Drug

Your local Irmo Drug, is featuring their app for their current and potential customers. With the use of this app, you have the convenient ability to r...