Dragon's Jackpot Slot Machine

X-Mas Slot Machine

內容介紹 : The Best Christmas Slot Machine Ever HD is a Slots Machine Game for FREE. The only Slot Machine that doesn't charge you to play. Absolutely FR...

Dragons Fire Slots

內容介紹 : Dragons Fire Slots is the Slots Machines, is a new dragon style casino app where you can play amazing slots anytime anywhere! play and compete...

Slot and Dragons 777

歡迎來到角子王國!在這王國內,你不單會遇上各式各樣的神聖英雄、強悍妖獸、趣怪人物,也需要戴上獨特的角子戰鬥手觸,套入深思熟慮的卡牌組合,挑戰千變萬化的地下迷宮,鍛煉你的技能,測試你的運氣,考驗你的智力。《Slot & Dragons》是款講求運氣與技巧之間極佳平衡的卡牌RPG手機遊戲。角子老虎機戰鬥...