Don't Let Them Fall app

下落吧火柴人 Make Them Fall

又来了!这是开发商 Ketchapp 的杰作——Make Them Fall《下落吧火柴人》,看截图是不是似曾相识?没错,那就是 Make Them Jump《起跳吧火柴人》的孪生弟弟。彩色的滑到,影分身似的火柴人,虐心的难度,都是本作的亮点。玩法同样简单,就是在火柴人不断下滑、前方遇到障碍的时候,...

Fall Them

Fall Them! is a super fun addictive arcade game on stores. Now you can play all these stickmans to jump and fall through the wall. Sounds easy?How to ...

Tell Me

“TellMe” is the best way to share your feedback about the apps you use on your phone. Using Tell Me you can :-Share your views about the app directly ...

Redneck Gps

Now you can have your own personal Gps built especialy for all you Rednecks out there. Get Some Where with Redneck GPS!!! Redneck GPS Launches with on...