Cube Crusher

果汁方块 修改版 Juice Cubes

修改内容:游戏修改了金币为无限。《果汁方块 Juice Cubes》是一款十分可爱的消除类游戏。玩家需要滑动你的手指,把相同的水果沿着横竖斜几个方向相连,超过3个的话就会消除并榨成果汁。游戏水果图形很Q,所以也很适合女生游玩。免費玩果汁方块 修改版 Juice Cubes APP玩免費免費玩果汁方块...

Juice Cubes

怒鸟的创作团队推出一款美味的益智游戏,为您带来无数新鲜水果大战!连起方块,就能在海盗、美人鱼和其他怪异角色的 300 多个关卡中制成威力巨大的水果炸弹!全新美味功能:- 尝试 300 多个满是谜题的美味水果关卡!- 连起多个水果方块可产生惊人的水果爆炸!- 收拾行囊,前往岛屿,置身阳光明媚的热带天堂...

Fruit Juice Crush

I love Fruit Juice ... help me mix up my drinks by collecting the fruits I want and then crush them in to a Juicy Drink.Collect a selection of 9 fruit...


Swipe or tap to avoid the enemy cubes. Catch the fast red cubes to earn extra score before the game gets harder.To get the Ad-Free version, go to: htt...

Snappy Cube

Navigate the cube through challenging obstacles in this addictive new game!SnappyCube is very simple, with never seen before two-button controls!Simil...