Conversion Calculator
An easy to use, handy conversion calculator.Convert Celsius/Fahrenheit, Kms/Miles, Kilograms/Pounds plus many, many more.Just select the conversion un...
An easy to use, handy conversion calculator.Convert Celsius/Fahrenheit, Kms/Miles, Kilograms/Pounds plus many, many more.Just select the conversion un...
An easy-to-use app that allows you to define in terms of decibels exactly how loud is "too loud". The app includes a reminder tool to help keep you, y...
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Conversations Journal: A Forum for Authentic Transformation provides spiritual accompaniment and honest dialogue for those who long for radical transf...
This utility allows you to quickly convert between different Vietnamese text formats and encodings such as Vietnet / VIQR (Vietnamese Quote-Readable),...
Conversion Master is the ultimate comprehensive resource for unit conversion. Quite possibly the simplest, fastest unit converter on the market. 100...
Maybe like me, you find conversation one of the most enjoyable activitiesAnd maybe also and conversely, you find many conversations pretty dull, or yo...
Conversions contains a growing list of community requested conversion tables, such as speed, knitting needle sizes, temperature, distance, etc.Convers...
內容介紹 : Explore a fantastic new world where you battle and collect adorable monsters called Boonies! Upgrade your Boonies and teach them new tricks! F...
Conversion is a unit conversion utility for 9 different types of units: length / distance, mass / weight, temperature, currency, volume, fuel consumpt...