Circle Game

CIRCLE :最佳色彩搭配遊戲

:: CIRCLE是很容易掌握和令人上癮的遊戲。選擇一對相同顏色的圓圈,以消除圓,然後你可以拿分。界不斷產生。本場比賽將是在何時圓滿的遊戲板或遊戲計時器變為零。你必須通過觸摸圓圈,以獲得高的遊戲點數,並增加了遊戲的定時器時間,使一對兩個相同顏色的圓圈。如果你消除了很多圈子,你可以得到很多遊戲點數。 ...

Encircle game

Help players to challenge the computer, cause the mind to relax after working hours,The game has 3 levels.Level 1: The player should be comfortable wi...

Pool Game

Billiards game gathers the best puzzle games you'll find among all free games! A sports game with a fun and simple goal: to put the pieces of this...

Game ScorePad

ScorePad keeps track of game scores without the need for easily lost game pieces or pen and paper. ScorePad also allows the user to keep track of mult...