Chinese Numerals

Basic Chinese

* Frequently used Chinese phrases listed in five categories.* Tap to listen to a native speaker's audio recording.* Tap to record and hear your ow...


Mobile application that makes it easy to stay connected and share information with friends in real time. Fun and interactive features include: - Grid ...

Chinese Tones

How to learn to recognize the Chinese syllables by ear?This application will train you to recognize the tones of Chinese.The app plays a syllable utte...


Unlock the ad-free version of Numerity, FREE today with AppGratis!来自 3D 动作猜谜蓝图创造者的新游戏。 看看一组数字后面隐藏了什么!找到并加亮正确的数字直至它们形成一幅独特的图像。挑战并提高您的注意力、数学和记忆能力!在 Face...


Are you starting a rock band, in charge of marketing for a major company, or expecting a child soon? No? Well this app will have you laughing anyway.O...