

CareZone Meds is the easiest way for you and your family to manage medications and doctor’s instructions.Managing prescriptions is hard work. We’ll ma...


Are you looking for something to do, find where things are happening right now? Vibezone is the app that integrates to social networks and shows you –...

العناية بالمناطق الحساسة

"للعناية الشخصية بالمنطقة الحساسة فى الجسم أصول لابد أن تتعلمها كل امرأة وفتاة للحفاظ على صحتها ومظهرها ومن ثم تعزيز إحساسها بجمالها وأنوثتها. كل ما ي...



aha Smokefree

aha!smokefree is an App designed to help you quit smoking and get rid of the unhealthy tobacco. Get away from smelly, cold smoke!You can enter your fo...

Arc free

스마트폰 속도가 빨라질수록 덩달아 같이 빨라지는 배터리소모속도...쭉쭉 닳는 스마트폰 배터리때문에 걱정 많으셨죠?이제 "Arc" 로 배터리압박을 덜어보세요####-----이 앱은 루트유저만 사용 가능합니다(추후 순정유저 지원예정)-----####-아직 베타버전인 어플입...


E- Marefa the leading and largest Arab Electronic full text database contains 1015 Academic & statistical journals, 100,000 articles, more than 190.00...