Candies Gems

Jungle Gem

“Jungle Gem“是一個益智遊戲的塊寶石將刪除兩個或多個相鄰的同色。不再被刪除的首飾時,如果您繼續到下一個階段以上的標準分是明確的。你可以借權力動物生活在叢林中刪除一個標記,其中包含一個寶石。您可以賺取盡可能多點後,出了很多首飾。此外,你可以得到盡可能多的積分仍然存在的小寶石在最後的階段。免費...

Gem Miner

Dig a mine to find ores, metals and gems and make your fortune!Sell your discoveries to buy upgrades from your profits and dig even deeper down a huge...

Gem Match

Match 3 Gems in a row or column. The challenge lies in placing the gems 3 in a row, moving all the ROW / COLUMN together, rather than conventional Gem...