各種ログを取得する事で不具合解析を手助けするツールです。一部機能にroot権限が必要となります。*機能- 各種ログ取り - logcat - kmsg - vstat - wakelocks - cpu log(★要対応Kernel) - gpu log(★要対応Kernel) - last_kms...
各種ログを取得する事で不具合解析を手助けするツールです。一部機能にroot権限が必要となります。*機能- 各種ログ取り - logcat - kmsg - vstat - wakelocks - cpu log(★要対応Kernel) - gpu log(★要対応Kernel) - last_kms...
Helps Android developers to get detailed bug or support reports from their users.Developers: end-users can send you an email report with device inform...
Bug Tracker allows you to connect to HP ALM (Quality Center) server and monitor the Defects in all your projects.This application utilizes the ALM RES...
"Enterprise" is just our bulk license, it works fine with any JIRA server including Studio.NOTE: You have to buy a bulk license first, otherwise the l...
This application is free.GPS Issue Tracker Android application uploads all of the following 5 together as one record to an online database:1- Takes th...
Airbrake App for Android is the best bug tracking software for exception handling, issue tracking, and error handling. Airbrake is the leading bug tra...
麥當勞®早安鬧鐘 賴床掰掰!有了麥當勞®早安鬧鐘,您會找到每天起床的動力,再也不想賴床。 只要設定鬧鐘功能,當鬧鈴響起就有機會獲得由系統隨機派送的「每日驚喜」。或是令人莞爾一笑的圖片、心領神會的小語或一日運勢;或是好康的麥當勞餐點優惠券。就讓超有梗和超優惠的驚喜,為您早安加油。 馬上下載麥當勞®早...
Jetzt als kostenfreie App: Die schönsten Wander-, Winter- und Radtouren in Deutschland, Österreich und im Salzburger Land, präsentiert von den Salzbur...
If you want your kids to have FUN, this is the perfect challenge! Not one but SIX games in one. Games 4 Kids will keep everyone excited and laughing. ...