Bill Share


Share Messenger是一款让你简单方便与好友一同使用的即时通讯分享软体。Share Messenger整合手机连络人通讯录,让你拥有最即时的好友动态资讯、生动活泼的贴图动画及全系列阿贵家族贴图,可以让你与亲爱的家人、朋友们在通讯时获得更有趣的沟通体验。另外使用摇一摇、搜寻附近好友、推荐社团...

Apk Share

Share Installed Apps Apk (.apk file) via Bluetooth, Email, Whatsapp etc.Backup Apks to SDCard / External Storage. This application works without root....

Instant share

Instant share help you share you current location and you status to twitter and facebook instantly from home screen widget.* Provides 2x2, 4x2 home sc...

Share Coke

- Share Coke application allows you carve AVATAR or your name on Coke cans, Heniken, Tiger cans, bottles Tiger, bean milk, the cow knocked RedBull, Pe...