Evaluación Cardíaca Preoperato
Evaluación Cardíaca Preoperatoria es un programa de uso médico.Su objetivo es entregas información sobre el manejo del riesgo cardiovascular previo a ...
Evaluación Cardíaca Preoperatoria es un programa de uso médico.Su objetivo es entregas información sobre el manejo del riesgo cardiovascular previo a ...
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INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT "IOP" adjust intraocular pressure with central corneal thickness. Is quite easy to know the real IOP measure of your p...
Application of the menstrual period.It gives you the ability to record and keep track of your cycles with all the necessary information easily USELESS...
For you to chat and share photos in anywhere~~Three Rooms:1) Bluetooth Boyz (啞男) 私人Chat Room2) Wifi Girlz (花女) 私人 Chat Room3) Bluetooth Boyz & Wifi Gi...
aplikasi ini akan menjadi sahabat yang peduli akan kesehatan anda. anda dapat mengecek kesehatan anda. baik untuk baik wanita dan pria ataupun kesehat...
There are many lovely folders made for girls♪ When you want to arrange the application icons on the home screen, you can arrange the folders you like ...
★ 加菲貓和歐弟開始搶劫美食大餐啦!喬恩和Liz在一個週末去了夏威夷度假。在他出行之前,已將家裡的食物收藏好來以免被加菲貓狼吞虎咽地吃掉。然而,喬恩剛剛離開,加菲貓就開始發揮它的爪功了,他想方設法地要抓一些甜食出來!事實證明,飢餓是發明之母!加菲貓已設計了一套巧妙的作戰計劃並招募了歐弟來幫手。尋找食...
Free version with Ads!Read the Bible in the 1598 Latin text of the Clementine Vulgate. The Douay-Rheims-Challoner English translation is included (whi...