Bible In English

ESV Bible

The ESV Bible for AndroidThe FASTEST Bible app and most efficient way to read & study the Bible. Quickly navigate to any verse and easily access tools...

NLT Bible

The NLT Bible for AndroidThe FASTEST Bible app and most efficient way to read & study the Bible. Quickly navigate to any verse and easily access tools...

Bible+ Premium

Features:- Works offline- Supports many versions (NIV, KJV, NASB, etc.)- Primary Bible version and additional Bible version(s) selection- Search words...

Aroma Bible

Aromatherapy is form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils and other aromatic compounds for the purpose ...


Enjoy a 2-Player reflex game that tests your Bible KNOWLEDGE, SPEED AND MEMORY all at the same time. Fun game for family and friends!Tags: Bible, Bibl...