Arcade 2048

2048 Night

★★★★★Classic 2048 Game Design★★★★★All Dark Designed 2048 Game★★★★★Minimal Designed 2048 Game★★★★★Better For Eyes When In Dark Environment免費玩2048 Night...

2048 3D

2048! The hype of 2014.This puzzle game gives you the gameplay of a 2048 game but with nice 3D graphics and relaxing sound effects.It is the perfect g...


Unisciti numeri e arrivare alla piastrella 2048!COME SI GIOCA - Sfiorare ovunque sullo schermo per spostare le piastrelle, quando due piastrelle hanno...


One of the most addictive game of 2014, excellent for those who like to challenge the mind and have fun doing it !!!!Game instructions: Swipe to move ...

2048 X-Treme

- 遊戲說明 - 橫掃(上,下,左,右)在屏幕上移動的瓷磚。當兩個區域具有相同編號的觸摸,來共同創造一個新的,其數量是前一瓦的效能。當瓷磚2048創建的,你贏了這場比賽!雖然可以繼續獲得更大的瓷磚。 - 遊戲的特點和優勢與其他遊戲 - +清潔和有吸引力的界面。 +具有不同的外觀,經典,空間,糖果,盲...

Blocky 2048

You played through the pain of Flappy Bird. You jammed your brain up with 2048. What happens when Flappy and 2048 merge? You get the most torturous co...

2048 Eggs

極具耐玩的益智遊戲你值得擁有! !這款應該是2048的生物進化版,遊戲元素是結合了2048和之前比較流行的求合體玩法,遊戲還不錯,玩膩了數字,這個挺有意思。極力推薦! ! !遊戲介紹:《快樂的怪獸》是一款非常好玩的的休閒類益智遊戲。玩法和2048差不多。每次控制所有怪獸向同一個方向運動,兩個相同顏色...