Al-Quran. 114 Surah. Audio app


Complete Quran with audio recited by Abdurrahman As-Sudais. Disclaimer:***************Before installing this app kindly remove any other disrespectful...


Simple Quran app with support of following translation language : 1. Bahasa Indonesia 2. English 3. Bahasa Melayu 4. French 5. Dutch 6. Norwegians 7. ...

Quran Surahs

This application consists of original Quran Surahs in Arabic sound with their meanings in English. It also has 99 names of allah which every Muslim mu...

Surah Al-Kahf audio-Quran MP3

Are you in search of Important Quranic Surahs with Audio MP3 versions(سورۃ المزمل،سورۃ الکھف،سورۃ سورہ الملک،سورۃ الواقعہ،رحمن،سورة يس)? Well download...


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內容介紹 : 《小小帝國》是一款史詩般的3D角色策略遊戲,您將組建一支完全屬於自己的王國鐵衛,指揮復仇天使、寒冰法師、雙斧狼騎等特色各異的兵種,捍衛你的國土,與全世界數百萬玩家一起戰鬥! 遊戲由全球頂尖的手機網游開發商Camel Games製作發行,上市不久就在中國、美國、歐洲、東南亞、日韓、港澳...